
Pepe Unchained® | Official Site

Pepe Unchained is the future of meme coins – a Layer 2 blockchain built for speed, security, and low fees. The $PEPU token powers the entire ecosystem. Congrats! You're early to the party! Buy and Stake now during Presale to max out your rewards before the price skyrockets!

Welcome to the world of Pepe Unchained & PEPU

Welcome to the world of Pepe Unchained, where the legend of Pepe meets the cutting-edge technology of Layer 2 blockchain. Prepare to experience double the staking rewards, double the Pepe, and 100X the fun! Get ready to unleash Pepe from his old constraints and dive into a realm of incredible rewards and endless laughs.

Pepe Unchained & Pepu

Pepe Unchained The future of meme coins. A Layer 2 blockchain built for Speed, Security, Low Fees–and of course–Memes. $PEPU token powers the entire ecosystem. You’re early enough to witness a new golden age of Meme Coins. With Pepe in his rightful place as King, and the Pepe Unchained Layer 2 – his Kingdom.

  • Presale 20% 20% is for the frens that get in early, and help Pepe break free of his chains.
  • Staking 30% Since rewards are DOUBLED on Layer 2, a fat stack is for staking rewards.
  • Marketing 20% Ser, Pepe needs no marketing. But he’s gonna do it anyway. BIGTIME.
  • Liquidity 10% Fat liquidity pools for decentralized exchanges. Ape in freely.
  • Project Finance 10% Takes an army to create and run a chain. This makes sure it runs smoothly.
  • Chain Inventory 10% An allocation for the $PEPU Layer 2 chain.

Benefits of Layer 2 for PEPE Unchained

1. Double the Staking Rewards: By offloading transactions to PEPE UNCHAINED Layer 2, PEPE Unchained can offer significantly higher $PEPU staking rewards. The reduced operational costs and increased efficiency mean more rewards for you.

2. Faster Speed: Transactions on Layer 2 are processed much quicker than on Layer 1. This means you can stake, trade, and interact with PEPE Unchained at lightning speed.

3. Lower Fees: With fewer transactions clogging up the main Ethereum network, gas fees are substantially lower on Layer 2. This means more of your investment goes towards earning gains rather than paying for transaction costs.

What is Pepe Unchained?

Pepe Unchained or $PEPU is a better version of the Original Pepe. It is not only a token, but a Meme Coin ecosystem built for: Instant and low fee bridging between ETH and Pepe Chain Lowest transaction fees Instant transactions Higher Volume Capacity — 100x faster than ETH Dedicated Block explorer to see all transactions on Pepe Unchained Layer 2

What Is Layer 2?

Layer 2 is a layer built on top of the Ethereum Network that allows for faster, and cheaper transactions. This makes Pepe Unchained the World's first Pepe token on its own chain!

Benefits of Layer 2 for PEPE Unchained?

Faster Speed: Transactions on Layer 2 are processed much quicker than on Layer 1. This means you can stake, trade, and interact with PEPE Unchained at lightning speed Lower Fees With fewer transactions clogging up the main Ethereum network, gas fees are substantially lower on Layer 2. This means more of your investment goes towards earning gains rather than paying for transaction costs.

When Can I Claim My Tokens?

$PEPU tokens will be claimable once the presale has finished and the token is launched. At this stage, you will reconnect the wallet you used to buy, or buy and stake, and click claim.

The Legend of Pepe Unchained

Pepe was trapped, confined to his clunky Layer 1 server room. But the story doesn't end there. With a stroke of Giga Brain genius, Pepe devised a plan to break free from his chains and embrace the future with PEPE Unchained.

What is Layer 2?

Layer 2 refers to a secondary framework or protocol built on top of an existing blockchain (Layer 1), such as Ethereum. This secondary layer improves the scalability, speed, and efficiency of the primary blockchain, making it possible to handle a higher volume of transactions at a lower cost.

Why Layer 2?

Layer 1 blockchains, like Ethereum, can suffer from congestion, leading to slower transaction speeds and higher fees. Layer 2 solutions address these issues by processing transactions off the main Ethereum chain, reducing the load and allowing for faster and cheaper transactions.


Join the PEPE Unchained revolution and bask in the glory of double rewards and endless fun. Pepe has broken his chains and built a state-of-the-art Layer 2 solution. Now, he rewards his loyal followers with marvelous gains. The future is here, and it's unchained!


Please note that $PEPU does not constitute an investment. It is a meme coin created for entertainment purposes only. The value of $PEPU can be highly volatile, and there is a risk of losing your entire investment. Always do your own research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before engaging in any cryptocurrency transactions. PEPE Unchained is designed to provide fun and laughter, not financial gain. Participate at your own risk.